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Our Streets

Presented By:
The City of Trenton and Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission

Do you bike, walk, roll, or drive around Trenton? We want to make getting around safer. The City of Trenton and Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission are hosting an event to get your feedback about Trenton's draft bicycle plan, Our Streets: A Trenton Bike Plan for All.

Come to the Our Streets event for free food and Mister Softee ice cream; bring your bike for a free tune-up provided by Trenton Cycling Revolution; enter to win bikes and grocery store gift cards; take part in family-friendly art activitiesprovided by Artworks Trenton, and more. Spanish translation will be provided by Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund (LALDEF).

Everyone is welcome — bring your neighbors andtell us what you think. These events will also include information aboutTrenton Vision Zero and the Trenton Trails Plan.

RSVP for the Our Streets event at https://fb.me/e/2NY4Kl1m2and learn more about the project at www.dvrpc.org/ourstreets.

¿Acostumbra andar en bicicleta, caminar, patinar oconducir por Trenton? Queremos que sus viajes sean seguros. Acompáñenos en elCentro para Adultos Mayores Jennye Stubblefield (301 Prospect St, Trenton, NJ08618), invite a sus vecinos y amigos a compartir esta experiencia, y brindenossu opinión.



●     Participe en el sorteo de bicicletas y certificados de regalo detiendas de abarrotes

●     Traiga su bicicleta para un ajuste gratis

●     Disfrute de actividades artísticas para toda la familia

●     Experimente el uso del carril protegido para bicicletas

●     Habrán refrigerios y helados de Mister Softee gratis

●     Traducción al español sera proveida del Fondo Latinoamericano deDefensa y Educación Legal LALDEF

RSVP: Facebook

Encuentre más información en www.dvrpc.org/ourstreets

Our Streets
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